Last Friday, the pupils and staff of Riverbank celebrated World Book Day in style! The costumes were fabulous and the enthusiasm was infectious. It was a great opportunity for everyone to come together and share in the joy of reading.

The Costumes Were Amazing!
The costumes were a huge hit. From Harry Potter characters to gangster grannies, there was something for everyone. The children got really into it and put a lot of effort into their outfits. This was an excellent way to get everyone engaged with literature in a fun and exciting way. The children also participated in crafting on the day.

I would like to personally thank all the pupils and staff at Riverbank who made this day such a success. Without your enthusiasm, creativity, and hard work, this day simply would not have been possible! We are so grateful for your dedication to encouraging literacy in our school.
World Book Day is such an important event that celebrates literature in all its forms. It was so rewarding to see how excited everyone got about reading on this special day at Riverbank! Here's to many more successful book days in the future!
